Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Is the issue of race really an issue at all?

One of my email adoption buddies and I have been having a conversation about race and I'd like to hear the opinions of others. The question is: Is it "acceptable" for families of one race to adopt children of another race? FYI - She wants to adopt outside of her race and her family is against it.

In my opinion, it is better for a child to be in a loving home than a foster/group home where they are just a number, labeled as a kid with problems, or are used as a method of paying the bills. I hate to say it, but it seems that there are a lot of individuals that foster children for the money. They have no intentions of eventually adopting the children. They don't have a genuine interest in the child's well being, only the check and the benefits that come with being a foster parent. Of course, this is not the case with all foster parents.

Anyway, I think that it is perfectly fine for families to adopt whomever they please, as long as they have the best interest of the child at heart and the child will not be treated differently because of his/her race.

Nevertheless, what about ignorant families and/or friends that might say hurtful things? It has been my experience that some of the smartest people say the most ignorant things when it comes to infertility and/or adoption. We are quite tired of hearing, "the minute you adopt, you're going to get pregnant" or "But you're so young. Wait a few years!" I want to say, "actually I'm not going to get pregnant and did you wait a few years? Mind your business!" However, I don't want to be mean so I just smile and nod, while trying not to let my disgust show. I know that these people mean well, but damn!

I digressed.

So, is it okay for families to adopt children of different races? Think about all of the controversy that surrounded Brad and Angelina . . . Madonna . . .

** Leave your comments here; I'll read them. You don't have to email me directly. LOL! And yes, to answer your question, we are in the process of adopting. We are not necessarily looking to adopt outside of our race, but if it happens . . . hakuna matata!

Food for thought: "Biological vs. Adopted"